Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nick's Story

Last summer I was watching The 700 club ( it is a Christian news program) and a story about Nick Vujicic came on and hearing his story caused me to gain a new perspective toward the character of humans. The internal torment that he faced as a kid was heartbreaking, but the one line that hits me every time I go back and watch his interview is when he says "I'd rather have no arms and no legs temporarily here on earth, to be able to reach someone else for Jesus Christ." Even if you are not religious, it is still fantastic to see that these three men that Mr. Salituro talked about faced such adversity, but now they use it to touch so many lives. Relating to Charon's idea, in this instance, it is good to generalize. These men have shown that when you make it through trials, you gain a greater knowledge and a story. The idea of Charon's that I really liked was that by generalizing we can take what we learn from one instance and apply it to another. The generalization I took from watching Nick Vujicic's story is the importance of looking beyond what we see on the outside of someone who is different because a fantastic and inspiring story could be hiding inside.

Here is a video of Nick's story, as a note, it is Christianity-based. I don't want to offend anyone, so there's no need to watch it if it would make you feel uncomfortable!

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