Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Nurture and Nature of Twins

In class we talked about nature v. nurture. In regard to this subject, we also discussed the relationship between my twin sister and I. We now clearly have different personalities. Sarah is more dominant than I am, but I don't mind. I like it better that way. She is a lot more girly than I am as well. I talked to my parents and they said that they even from when we were infants, they felt that we just looked differently. The only reason that they dressed us in different colors was to help other people tell us apart. After we read articles in class about identical twins being separated after birth and raised apart, we saw the effect that the environment has on someone after birth. Oskar and Jack were identical twins that once separated grew up to develop very different social and religious views, but interestingly enough they both became very passionate about what they believed. From birth they could have had an "aptitude"to be passionate, but their environment caused them to be passionate about different things. Sarah and I are not identical, so our DNA is truly only as common as any other pair of sisters, so the differences we see between us could be a combination of genetic and environmental influences. It very clear on a physiological level. I have inherited asthma, allergies, and acid reflux disease from my dad, but Sarah managed to bypass all of those issues. We have the same group of friends, but we also each encounter separate people through out the day, and it is very possible that after thirteen years of schooling, those people have had different influences on each of, which could have effected the differences in our personalities.


  1. Very nice post, i really like the relation you showed between you and your sister.

  2. I think it's really interesting that you and your twin sister have inherited different illnesses and have distinct differences between you two.

  3. This is really interesting to me that you and your sister have so many different qualities because like it mentioned in the article you would think twins that obviouslly look a like would have the same personality traits, but clearly not! good post!

  4. I found this very interesting. when many people think of twins, they see two of the same person but thats not the case. Both of you are and have experienced different things and are influenced differently by your surroundings.

  5. I like how you connected your blog to the reading we looked over in class. Also, I find it really interesting that you were dressed in blue and Sarah was dressed in pink and now Sarah's more girly than you are.
