Thursday, April 7, 2011

We started this week by talking about Masculinity, then transitioned into Femininity, interestingly enough, in my English class, we started reading Doll House and to begin,  we made a list of characteristics of males and females. Much of what we talked about was a direct parallel to what we discussed in sociology. We read an article, "Girls will be boys, but boys can't be girls." It discussed how women are encouraged to be liberated, to be strong,  and are now allowed to take on characteristics that in the past have, by society, have only belonged to males. But men are still harassed for having any "Feminine" qualities. My English teacher shared that although he is educated on this issue, he has still caught his thoughts falling into this stereotype. For her birthday party his young niece wanted to have a Bob the Builder theme, and he really didn't think there was anything strange about that, but when at a different time, his nephew wanted to dress up like The Little Mermaid, he though "Wow, that's weird." It think the argument this article described is a very important one to be aware of.  In a country where only a couple decades ago it was taboo for a girl to wear pants, I think that it is interesting that is now completely normal for a girl to wear a t-shirt,  jeans, and sneakers, but if a boy wants to wear a skirt or clothes that are considered "feminine," suddenly that is a huge ordeal.


  1. Its so true that the ideas of how women can be have changed, but men still need to be just as masculine.

  2. Yes, that definatly is a weird thing to think about. A boy acting like a girl. Maybe one day, our society will accept men being able to show their feelings without be cslled a pansy or weak or unmanly.

  3. I really think the distinction between males and females is through our society, in the United States, and only our society and media. My mom went to Europe for a business trip and she was even telling me how boys dress way more "upscale" and with "higher fashion" in Paris and it's considered completely normal and doesn't question their sexuality. However, here in the US because of media boys are looked at to be muscular, tough, and independent, with the saggy jeans look.
