Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gasland and Social Class

First hour today in AP Environmental Science we watched a documentary called Gasland. While we were watching our video in sociology today, I kept getting the two movies confused and I was wondering why, but I think it was because of the Gasland's emphasis on social class. The Documentary was about the impact of drilling for natural gas. Big gas companies are drilling near low-income families, causing natural gas to contaminate water supplies, but doing nothing to fix the problem, they just keep drilling new wells. It has gotten so bad that many people's water will actually catch on fire. I found this really interesting because in the movie we watched in sociology, the upper-class citizens really emphasized their superiority to those who were finantially below them. These oil and gas companies, are run by the wealthy and their profit is more important than the health of those in the lower classes.


  1. That's crazy about the water! I really like how you incorporated the two movies from completely different subjects with one common theme!
    Great post!!! :)

  2. I completely agree with you that being stuck in lower class makes your life harder, and possibly more dangerous, because the people running these big name companies only care about wealth.
