Sunday, January 23, 2011

Growing Up Online

    I watched to PBS special on growing up online and one thing I found moving was when it said that although many adults are not happy with the new technology-based lifestyle students are living, it is not going away.
    It was interesting to see that many schools are adapting in order to keep the students engaged. As students, we have almost constant access to the Internet and technology, it is what we have become comfortable with.
   As the special showed, that comfort can be dangerous and many kids opposed restrictions there parents put on their access to technology, but I think parents still have a large influence. My parents have never let the kids in my family to go on social networking sites and that was it. There are times when I feel like it would be easier if I could have a ll facebook, but my parents want be to be safe and I appreciate that.
   Some of the stories about students finding an alternate identity were frightening. Students that were shy in reality, were bold online. That made me think of our blogs, because there are many students that do not like to speak in class or find it intimidating. This blog can allow students to give there input and participate with out fear.
    If we use our means to the Internet in intelligent ways we can channel resources that if used incorrectly are dangerous and make them productive.


  1. Amanda,

    I see where you're coming from, thinking that its a little frightening how people use the Internet these days; it can be really scary. And I definitely agree that we could find smarter ways to use technology and the Internet to our advantage. Society has really abused its innovations, especially with the Internet.

    Also, I think its really interesting, and caring, of your parents to protect you by stopping you from using social networking sites.


  2. I hope that we will be able to harness the positive elements of the technology in our blogging.
