Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Don't We Care?

In one moment, everything can change. One word, can start movement, so why don't we take our lives more seriously? I am a Christian, so I believe that there are great things to come after this life is over. Compared to eternity, this one life is so short. We here this concept the time, but that does not diminish it's validity. We are given opportunities everyday to make an impression, so why not make the best one we can?

Reading "The outliers" and "Sociological Mindfulness," got me wondering about what influences us to try and make these positive impacts on people. Mr. Salituro mentioned that at first we may dread doing the volunteer hours and in my head I questioned, "What influences do we receive that determine our likeliness to want to serve?" Is it religion? Christ calls us to help the poor, widows, and orphans, but in class, we talked about many Jewish organizations that have a heart for those in need. And there are many groups that strive to help, but are not associated with any religion. Maybe it is family, or maybe some one helped us when we were hurting, and now we feel called to continue the chain and give aid to some one else?

My biggest concern is why is there so much apathy toward others? Are we too consumed by school, grades , sports and other activities for ourselves that others are pushed to the side?  I think the effects of this apathy are even worse when we do gain a sociological mindfulness, but chose to only listen/follow when it is most convenient to us.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is both - a lot of apathy but also a lot of caring in the world and we can focus on either one and be a part of either one. I think the charity aspect is so interesting. It is a part of all major world religions. That is remarkable. That is the story of our humanity. We were made to help each other.
